After-Hours Dentist | Late Night, Saturday & Weekend Dentist

Lower costs and no extra charge for our after-hours dentist. Fully trained and experienced dentists. Low-pain and no-pain choices.

Call us now: 09 820-4443 (click to call)
We are here: 2140 Great North Rd, New Lynn, Auckland 0600 (opens Google map in new tab)

3 Reasons Why 
White Cross Dental New Lynn is your best choice 
for an After-Hours Dentist

Details below…

1. Lower cost with professional service

White Cross Dental New Lynn is committed to looking after your interests ethically. For you, this means affordable prices and professional dentistry.

We know that keeping costs down is important to you. Therefore, our after-hours dentist will focus on solving your current problem. We will not push you into any unnecessary extras.

What if there are other problems?

If our after-hours dentist observes other dental issues, naturally we will tell you. But we will not put you under any pressure.

At White Cross Dental New Lynn, your after-hours dentist, will let you make the decisions. Again, this is all about keeping your costs as low as possible.

Simple words that you can understand

Your after-hours dentist can explain in simple words the relevance of any dental issues identified. So you will know if they are serious and need prompt attention. Or if they are issues that you can attend to later.

You are always in control

You decide what gets done and you decide when it gets done. And of course, you decide who does the dental work for you.

In summary: If you choose us as your after-hours dentist, we will give you professional dentistry at an affordable cost.

Our goal is to earn your trust and respect. Our other goal is to be the best value-for-money after-hours dentist in Auckland.

2. Skilled and experienced dentists

Your time is valuable. So when you have a dental issue, you want a dentist that has the skills and experience to get it right. And if possible sort it out in a single visit.

At White Cross Dental – New Lynn, we share your goal. To meet yours and our expectations, all of our after-hours dentists’ must meet our high skills and experience standards.

What if there are complications? Most dental procedures are straightforward and our standard procedures will effect a good outcome without incidents or after problems.

However, from time to time, complication can occur. For this you will be pleased to know that all of our after-hour dentists are fully trained and experienced to professionally manage these complications.

3. Low-pain & no-pain choices

We do understand that some patients may be worried about pain. Your after-hours dentist has got this issue well handled.

He or she will be an expert in rapid pain relief.

Your after-hours dentist understands how to solve dental problems with no or low discomfort.

Just let us know if you have pain concerns, your after-hours dentist will explain the options available for you.

Reasons why you may need an after-hours dentist…

  • Your job makes it hard for you to take time off during the day.
  • You’re self-employed and time off during the day impacts your income.
  • It’s 5:00 pm and you have an unexpected dental emergency.

More reasons why you may want an after-hours dentist…

  • You care for a young family during the day.
  • You have caregiving commitments during the day.
  • You’re very busy during normal working hours.
  • You just have better things to do during the day.

When you need an after-hours dentist, you still want quality. You want a dentist with the skills and experience to do it right.

When you need an after-hours dentist, you still want quality.

You want a dentist with the skills and experience to do it right.

At Dentist St Lukes, this is our promise. Every dentist (including all after-hours dentists) in our practice have been selected on this basis.

To qualify as a Dentist St Lukes after-hours dentist, our dentists must meet the following criteria…

  • Be able to perform high-quality dentistry
  • Be able to relate to patients’ needs
  • Be able to keep dental costs reasonable

Call us now…
White Cross Dental New Lynn, your after-hours dentist.

Phone: 09 820-4443 (click to call)
Address: We’re conveniently located between Avondale and New Lynn at
2140 Great North Rd, Avondale, Auckland 0600 (opens Google map in new tab)

Dentist New Lynn